“An Experimental Study of the Portevin-Le Chatelier Effect in Steel Bars”, Atti del XIII Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica ed Applicata, Siena, 1997.
(in collaborazione con G.Royer)

On Discontinuous Deformation of Tensile Steel Bars: Experimental Results”, Studi e Ricerche del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale dell’Università di Pisa, Rapporto N° 1, 1998.
(in collaborazione con G.Royer)

“A Mechanical Model for the Elastic-Plastic Behavior of Metallic Bars”, Studi e Ricerche del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale dell’Università di Pisa, Rapporto N° 2, 1998.
(in collaborazione con G.Royer)

“Discontinuous Deformation of Tensile Steel Bars: Experimental Results”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol.125, N°11, pgg. 1243-1250, Nov.1999.
(in collaborazione con G.Royer)


  • Truskinovsky L., Vainchtein A. in The Origin of Nucleation Peak in Transformational Plasticity“, Journal of the Mechanics and Phisics of Solids 52 (6), pp.1421-1446, Juny 2004, (2 citazioni).
  • Puglisi G., Truskinovsky L. in A Mechanism of Transformational Plasticity”, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 14 (5), pp.437-457, October, 2002.
  • Milašinović D. in: “Rheological-dynamical Analogy: Visco-elasto-plastic Behaviour of Metallic Bars”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 41 (16-17), pp.4599-4634, August, 2004 (3 citazioni).
  • Abstract: Marked differences have been observed between the global and the local responses of tensile steel bars – the first traditionally defined by considering average strains (displacement of the bar’s ends divided by its undistorted length), and the second obtained by local strain measures through high performance resistance strain gauges. This distinction highlights the peculiarities of various qualities of steel normally employed as reinforcement in concrete. In particular, the phenomenon of serrated deformation at yielding (the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect) and the peculiarities of this metastable state, when unloading sequences are performed, will be discussed. It will be shown how the presence of ribs can influence the local behaviour and how this is reflected in the gross response. In the analysis, the importance of strain hardening in improving the ductility performance of steel bars is observed.

“A Mechanical Model for the Elastic-Plastic Behavior of Metallic Bars”, A.S.C.E., International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol.37, pgg. 3901-3918, Apr. 2000.
(in collaborazione con G.Royer)


  • Truskinovsky L., Vainchtein A. in The Origin of Nucleation Peak in Transformational Plasticity“, Journal of the Mechanics and Phisics of Solids 52 (6), pp.1421-1446, Juny 2004, (2 citazioni).
  • Puglisi G., Truskinovsky L. in A Mechanism of Transformational Plasticity”, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 14 (5), pp.437-457, October, 2002.
  • Milašinović D. in: “Rheological-dynamical Analogy: Visco-elasto-plastic Behaviour of Metallic Bars”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 41 (16-17), pp.4599-4634, August, 2004 (3 citazioni).
  • Abstract: A simple mechanical model, which consists of a particular assemblage of elementary units composed of elastic springs and frictional sliding blocks, appears suitable for describing the various aspects of the elastic-plastic behaviour of steel bars in standard tensile tests: oscillations in the average stress-strain curve, the distinction between local and global responses, instability due to the transition from an upper to a lower yield point, the spread of plastic deformation, strain-hardening behaviour, elastic unloading and the influence of loading-device stiffness.